These photos are from a new pictorial Keira Knightley did for Vogue Italia, likely to promote Never Let Me Go in Europe. Keira never fails to photograph beautifully, and I like many of these images. I have to admit, though, ever since LaineyGossip wrote this piece, I’ve been wondering if Keira is due some scandalous story, and in these photos, I’m thinking the “scandal” may be drugs. She just… I don’t know. It’s not like a Brooke Mueller situation, but if you told me that Keira was a cokehead, I would believe you.
More evidence that something’s up with her – check out this interview Keira did with The Telegraph. The writer is trying to be honest with what a spectacular pill Keira was, and she just seems so, so squirrelly. The full piece is here, and here are some of the highlights:
On sex scenes: ‘It’s a consensual thing,’ she says in her head girl’s voice. ‘You say what you’re comfortable with and everybody’s incredibly respectful. Certainly not what happens on a press day.’ She shoots me a dagger.
On the story line of Never Let Me Go: When I mention that I’ve been having strange dreams since seeing the film – a haunting story set in an appalling (and frighteningly plausible) alternative reality – she tells me, ‘You’re the third person who’s said that today.’
Keira on her relationship with Carey Mulligan: She and Mulligan are close friends in real life, which made shooting the vicious scenes between their characters a challenge. ‘I just kept on having to say, “I’m so sorry,”’ says Knightley. ‘And she’d be like,’ she adopts a soothing tone, ‘“It’s all right. It’s just pretend. It’s fine.”
On taking smaller roles: ‘That was a choice,’ she says. ‘I worked solidly from the age of 16 to 22 without a holiday. And then at 22 I took a year off – which was needed! And since then it’s been supporting roles. I mean, time off in between is important; it was quite mental at one point.’
On being a child actor: The young Keira auditioned constantly – ‘Some kids did karate, I went to auditions’ – including four fruitless attempts at the BBC One series Casualty. ‘They were humiliating,’ Knightley says with feeling. ‘You walk in a room and they obviously think you’re s—. So you walk out again. I mean the rejection level of anyone who does anything like that… It is quite a savage process.’
On whether Keira and Rupert Friend are still together: Her boyfriend of five years, the actor Rupert Friend, apparently gave out batches of her gluten-free brownies on the set of his latest film, The Kid. It’s a very cosy, wifely image: sending your partner out to work with your foil-wrapped home-cooking in his knapsack. So I ask her, as she’s telling me how therapeutic it is to make melanzane alla parmigiana, if she and Friend now live together. ‘I don’t talk about my boyfriend,’ she snaps, as fast and as sudden as a trapdoor slamming shut. ‘Not answering anything about it.’ A moment passes in which she looks at me as though I’ve just asked the head of MI5 if I can have a go on his computer. ‘Definitely not answering that. No!’ she exclaims with a big, angry laugh.
[From The Telegraph]
Obviously, if she doesn’t want to answer any questions about her personal life, she doesn’t have to. I don’t even have a problem with her way of shooting down questions about her personal life, although she might stop to think that journalists have their job, just the same as her, and it wouldn’t hurt her to be a bit more professional. But it seems like she was just in a horrendous mood for this interview. Or maybe it’s something worse.
Oh, and I do think Keira and Rupert probably split up. Eh.
Photos courtesy of Vogue Italia/The Fashion Spot.