Cody Latimer is an American football tight end and wide receiver for the Orlando Guardians of the XFL. The Denver Broncos selected him in the second round of the 2014 NFL Draft.
He played collegiate football in Indiana for the Washington Football Club, the New York Giants, and the Denver Broncos, who defeated the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl 50.
Cody Latimer is not dating anyone as of 2023. However, he has previously had one relationship that did not end well, with some events in the relationship being extensively covered by the media.
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Cody Latimer, like most celebrities, tried to keep his personal and love life private, but his former girlfriend Jaimee Rando abused and assaulted him, which was caught on camera, and the case went to court.
Cody met Jamie Rando in college and they dated for at least 5 years before the incident occurred. Jamie, according to Cody, was toxic and narcissistic. The truth is only known to the police and the legal jury.
Cody Latimer and Jamie Rando's assault case
Jaimee Rando was detained in 2015 after reportedly hitting Latimer in the face after a "quarrel about jealousy issues." She was charged with simple assault and disturbing the peace.
Latimer claimed to have had a GoPro camera on him as his girlfriend was being arrested as a result of a domestic altercation.
Latimer, who dialed 911, was also detained for failing to show up in court for a separate driving infraction. He later cleared his traffic violation and paid Rando's $200 bond before tweeting a statement that has since been removed.
According to a report from the investigators, Rando and Latimer, both 23, had been dating for roughly three months before the domestic disturbance incident and had a son.
Before Rando hit him, the player claimed to have gotten into a fight with another person. According to Denver police spokesperson Sonny Jackson, Rando was taken into custody on suspicion of simple assault.
When the responding deputy from Arapahoe County did background checks on both of their names, he found that Latimer was wanted on an active warrant. Today, Denver police detained Rando on charges of assault and disturbing the peace.
From 2011 until 2013, Latimer attended Indiana University. He started 24 of the 32 games he played in during his career and had 135 receptions for 2,042 yards and 17 touchdowns. After his junior year, he was declared for the 2014 NFL Draft.
Cody Latimer signed a four-year, $3.70 million contract with the Denver Broncos on June 2, 2014, with $2.02 million guaranteed and a $1.01 million signing bonus.
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