What happened to Jack Rains?

The Devil Speaks, the much-awaited true-crime series, is all set to revisit and re-investigate the bone-chilling Jack Rains murder case in episode 1 of the first season. The episode will make its arrival on Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 7:00 pm Eastern Time (ET), exclusively on Investigation Discovery (ID).

The Devil Speaks, the much-awaited true-crime series, is all set to revisit and re-investigate the bone-chilling Jack Rains murder case in episode 1 of the first season. The episode will make its arrival on Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 7:00 pm Eastern Time (ET), exclusively on Investigation Discovery (ID).

The upcoming episode of The Devil Speaks has been titled, Dirty Little Secret. The official synopsis for The Devil Speaks season 1 episode 1, given by Investigation Discovery, reads:

"Grandfather Jack Rains, 83, is murdered in his home in Murfreesboro, Tenn.; when rumors emerge of an affair between the victim and a women half his age, police start to investigate his close friends."

The heart-wrenching murder case dates back to 2007. Jack Rains' life was cut short after he was shot to death at his home in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Ever since the news of The Devil Speaks episode was released by ID, viewers have been curious to learn all about the brutal Jack Rains murder case.

The Devil Speaks Season 1 episode 1: Jack Rains was shot a total of five times from behind

Who was Jack Rains?

A still of Tina Williamson and Jack Rains (image via Murfreesboro Voice)

In 2007, Jack Rains was an 83-year-old retired General, who served in the United States Air Force for 32 years. He was also a former Woodbury Chief of Police and was associated with the Tennessee Highway Patrol as well. He used to live in his house on McFarlin Road off the Old Woodbury Highway in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

He was married to a woman named Ruby, who was a patient with dementia and used to reside in a nursing home owing to her condition. Together, they had a son named Gary.

He had a keen interest in guns. This interest led him to meet Ronald Williamson and his wife Tina Williamson, with whom Jack went on to form a strong relationship over time.

How did he die?

A still of Tina Williamson (image Via Murfreesboro Post)

Reportedly, on August 30, 2007, the 83-year-old was fatally shot to death at his Murfreesboro house in Tennessee. His wounded dead body was discovered in the kitchen of his home a day after he was shot. According to police reports, the victim was shot a total of five times from behind. There was no sign of a robbery in the house.

His body was first found by Tina and her husband Ronald. However, later on, through intense investigation, a shocking truth came to light. It was reported that Jack was monstrously murdered by none other than Tina Williamson, who was allegedly having an affair with the victim.

The police also discovered that Tina and Jack had a joint bank account with $100,000. Authorities believed that the large sum of money was a potential motive for the murder of Jack Rains.

In the same year, Tina Williamson was arrested and convicted by the Tennessee police for committing felony murder, murder, and aggravated robbery. The murderer received a sentence of a total of 71 years behind bars for her sinister crimes.

Don't forget to watch episode 1 of The Devil Speaks season 1 titled, Dirty Little Secret, arriving exclusively on ID on Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 7 pm ET.

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