Tower of Fantasy tier list (September 12, 2023)

This Tower of Fantasy tier list ranks every playable character (Simulacra) based on their performances. Simulacra are the weapon-characters that you can equip and play as in this MMORPG. Each Simulacra has unique, upgradable equipment, weapons, roles, elemental types, and skills.

This Tower of Fantasy tier list ranks every playable character (Simulacra) based on their performances. Simulacra are the weapon-characters that you can equip and play as in this MMORPG. Each Simulacra has unique, upgradable equipment, weapons, roles, elemental types, and skills.

The game features various modes such as PvP, Co-Op, Arena, and you can also challenge other players in a duel match. Whatever gameplay you enjoy, selecting the best character is the key to winning. This article provides a complete tier list of Tower of Fantasy Simulacra, helping you choose the best ones to win battles.

All Tower of Fantasy characters ranked from best to worst

Tower of Fantasy characters (Image via Hotta Studio)

In Tower of Fantasy, weapons are central to combat, which enables you to perform unique skills. Whether you use a Simulacrum or not does not affect your combat prowess or ability.

Each weapon performs one of these roles: DPS, Support, and Defense. Additionally, they possess one of these elements: Flame, Ice Shell, Grievous, and Volt. The elements provide a unique buff based on their nature. For instance, Flame burns, Ice Shell freezes, Volt paralyzes, and Grievous deals severe damage to enemies.

This article ranks every Simulacrum and weapon into SS, S, A, and B tiers. Like other gacha titles, the SS-tier comprises the most potent Simulacrum and weapons, and the B-tier includes the weakest ones.

Additionally, the tier list changes with every update. Hotta Studio updates Tower of Fantasy regularly, introducing new characters. They also adjust existing ones by buffing or nerfing them, and this shifts the meta, changing the ranks of each Simulacrum and weapon on the tier list.

That said, here is the tier list of all playable Simulacra and their weapons for September 12, 2023.


Crow with his Thunderblades weapon in Tower of Fantasy (Image via Hotta Studio)

The SS-tier consists of the most robust Simulacra and weapons. They can obliterate any enemy with their combat power.

The SS-tier dominates the current meta, and using the Simulacra in it will help you clear each content quickly and conveniently. You should also allot your resources to upgrade them and become unbeatable.

Here are all SS-tier Tower of Fantasy units:

  • Crow and his Thunderblades weapon
  • Claudia and her Green Blade weapon
  • Meryl and her Rosy Edge weapon
  • Alyss and her Immortal Wings weapon
  • Tiang Lang and his Powerbreak weapon
  • Lin and her Shadoweave weapon
  • Saki Fuwa and her Heartstream weapon


King with his Scythe of Crow weapon in Tower of Fantasy (Image via Hotta Studio)

These are the second-best units you can have in this mobile gacha title. You will find all SSR units that are less potent than SS ones in this tier. You can upgrade them to enhance their combat power.

Here are the S-tier units:

  • King and his Scythe of Crow weapon
  • Annabella and her Cross Sniper weapon
  • Nemesis and her Venus weapon
  • Ruby and her Spark weapon
  • Lyra and her Vespers weapon
  • Fenrir and her Gleiphir weapon
  • Lan and her Vermilion Bird weapon
  • Cocoritter and her Absolute Zero weapon


Cobalt-B with her Flaming Revolver weapon (Image via Hotta Studio)

The units in A-tier excel at their role but have some shortcomings. For instance, Support units might have high healing and support skills but low damage dealing ability. If you plan on using A-tier units, upgrade them at every opportunity in this open-world game. However, you must use plenty of resources for proper upgrades.

Here is the list of A-tier Simulacra and weapons:

  • Cobalt-B and her Flaming Revolver weapon
  • Bai-Yuekui and her Alaya weapon
  • Fei-Se and her Heavy Pistil weapon
  • Mimi and her Meng Zhang weapon
  • Zero and his Negating Cube weapon
  • Gnonno and her Little Hurricane weapon
  • Huma and her Molten Shield V2 weapon
  • Icarus and his Precious One weapon


Rubilia in Tower of Fantasy (Image via Hotta Studio)

B-tier units do not provide much utility and are the best fit if you are starting the game. They help you clear early stages and understand the gameplay mechanics. You should avoid these units and obtain units that rank in the SS, S, or A tiers as soon as possible.

The B-tier Simulacrum and weapons are listed below:

  • Rubilia and her Lost Melody weapon
  • Fiona and her Moonstar Bracelet weapon
  • Lui-Huo and her Pine Comet weapon
  • Shiro and her Chakram of the Seas weapon
  • Marc and his Dawn weapon
  • Ming-Jing and his Onyx Tortoise weapon
  • Yu-Lan and her Unity weapon
  • Frigg and her Balung weapon
  • Samir and her Dual EM Stars weapon
  • Tsubasa and his Icewind Arrow weapon
  • Umi and her Mobius weapon


Hilda with her The Terminator Weapon in Tower of Fantasy (Image via Hotta Studio)

C-tier units are the worst performers in this MMORPG title. Do not waste your resources to upgrade them because they are not viable even at their highest level.

Listed below are Tower of Fantasy C-tier units:

  • Hilda and her The Terminator weapon
  • Ene and her Pummeler weapon
  • Bai-Ling-Prototype and Nightingale’s Feather weapon
  • Pepper and her Staff of Scars weapon
  • Echo and her Thunderous Hleberd weapon

That concludes our Tower of Fantasy Tier list for September 2023. Follow Sportskeeda to get more tier lists of such RPG games and stay updated on the gaming world.

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