According to a report from Page Six, Taraji P. Henson, the Empire actress, skipped the Met Gala this year due to the Boyz n The Hood director’s funeral, John Singleton. As it was previously reported, John died at the age of 51-years-old recently following a massive stroke that left him in the hospital.
Rather than attending the Met Gala this year, Taraji skipped out on advertising a dress made by Vera Wang, choosing instead to commemorate the passing of the legendary filmmaker. Henson had to cancel her appearence at the last minute due to John’s unfortunate and untimely death.
Henson was a frequent collaborator with Singleton, including taking on roles in Four Brothers as well as Baby Boy. He once directed an episode of Empire as well as and produced her massive hit, Hustle And Flow, which received critical acclaim at Sundance in 2005.
As it was previously reported, Singleton’s memorial was planned for this week, which included a private ceremony as well as a much larger one for fans of the director’s work. Henson even went to the hospital to visit the star with Tyrese Gibson, who also worked with him on the set of Four Brothers.
John died last week after he was put on life support following his massive stroke. His family made the difficult decision to pull him off of life support and he succumbed to his condition.
Coincidentally, and equally as tragic, Jessie Lawrence Ferguson, who played the corrupt cop in Boyz n The Hood also died as well. Both Ferguson and Singleton’s legend in the black community was widespread, due to their contributions to black film, although, Ferguson didn’t continue working as much after Boyz N The Hood.
Moreover, John was also the first African-American to receive the nomination for best director for his work in the 1991 flick. Taraji P. Henson, like Singleton, is also notorious for her contributions to black culture.
She has a role in Empire, created by Lee Daniels, which ironically starred Jussie Smollett, the actor who allegedly orchestrated a faux-racist attack against himself.