Jonathan Toews, captain of the Chicago Blackhawks, played his last NHL game on Jan. 28. He released a public statement on Sunday wherein he mentioned that he is still dealing with Long COVID and Chronic Immune Response Syndrome.
Toews announced that he is taking some time away from the ice to focus on recovering his health. There is currently no clear timeline as to when we might see the Blackhawks captain back on the ice.
Most fans on Twitter expressed their support for the 34-year-old, while others speculated about the reason behind his long COVID symptoms.
Some fans even questioned if we had already seen the last of Jonathan Toews, speculating that he may retire.
Toews had previously missed the entire 2020-21 season due to chronic immune response syndrome as well. In a video he posted in July 2021, Toews mentioned that his immune system was reacting to his simple, everyday activities. He said that he always experienced some kind of a stress response, causing his body to fall apart:
“So what they're calling it is chronic immune response syndrome, where I just couldn't quite recover and my immune system was reacting to everything I did. Any kind of stress, anything that I would do throughout the day, it was always kind of a stress response.”Jonathan Toews' Blackhawks career
Jonathan Toews was selected as the third pick in the 2006 NHL entry draft. He was made captain of the team two years later, in 2008.
Toews led the Blackhawks to three Stanley Cup Championships 2010, 2013 and 2015. For his performance in the 2010 Stanley Cup playoffs, Toews was named MVP and was awarded the Conn Smythe Trophy. He also won the Mark Messier NHL Leadership Award in 2015.
In the 2022-23 NHL season, Jonathan Toews has 28 points from 14 goals and 14 assists in the 46 games that he has played. He was rumored to be on the trade block (alongside veteran teammate Patrick Kane), but with his recent announcement, it seems highly unlikely that he will be headed out of Chicago.
It remains to be seen when Toews will step back on the ice, but Blackhawks fans will be hoping to get their captain back in good health.
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