How to get a Planted Flower in Merge Mansion

The Merge Mansion presents a diverse set of items that players must create by merging with Maddie's old family mansion, which has fallen into disrepair. Gamers can obtain items by merging; a few are also given out as drops from existing objects, which can sometimes be perplexing.

The Merge Mansion presents a diverse set of items that players must create by merging with Maddie's old family mansion, which has fallen into disrepair. Gamers can obtain items by merging; a few are also given out as drops from existing objects, which can sometimes be perplexing.

Players are frequently overwhelmed when one of their tasks requires items such as Planted Flowers. One reason for this confusion is that collecting them from the ground up may feel time-consuming.

While the process is slightly longer, we have broken it down into small chunks in the following section for you to quickly get the item in the Merge Mansion.

Guide to obtaining Planted Flowers in the Merge Mansion

Planted Flowers as a drop from the Blossoming Bush (Image via Play Games / YouTube)

You will receive Planted Flowers as a drop from the Blossoming Bush in the Merge Mansion; however, Bush must be at least level five.

Each of these bushes has a recharge time of about 60 minutes. The number of drops and the level can vary from Planted Flower Seed to Bud depending on the Level of the Blossoming Bush. Furthermore, the recharge stack also varies from five to eight.

Once you have your hands on the Planted Flower, you may merge it depending on the tasks' requirements. You will require these in Tranquility Terrace, Frog Pond Falls, Flower Garden, and more game areas.

The merging stages of the Planted Flower are as follows:

The nine levels of Planted Flower in the Merge Mansion (Image via Play Games / YouTube)
  • Level 1 – Planted Flower Seed
  • Level 2 – Planted Flower Seedling
  • Level 3 – Planted Flower Bud (I)
  • Level 4 – Planted Flower Bud (II)
  • Level 5 – Planted Flower (I)
  • Level 6 – Planted Flower (II)
  • Level 7 – Planted Flower (III)
  • Level 8 – Planted Flower (IV)
  • Level 9 – Planted Flower (V)

How to obtain Blossoming Bush in the Merge Mansion

Blossoming Bush is the source for Planted Flowers in the Merge Mansion. You stand a chance to obtain the Bush Seeds from the Brown Chest. It is usually obtained from events, tasks, or even leveling up.

On top of this, you may also purchase these directly from the store when offered in the Flash Sale. Bush Seeds will not provide drops immediately once you obtain them; instead, you will have to merge them several times to get the rewards.

The merge stages of the Planted Bush are as follows:

Planted Buss drop items only after level 5 (Image via Play Games / YouTube)
  • Level 1 – Bush Seeds
  • Level 2 – Seedling
  • Level 3 – Small Bush
  • Level 4 – Bush (I)
  • Level 5 – Bush (II)
  • Level 6 – Blossoming Bush (I)
  • Level 7 – Blossoming Bush (II)
  • Level 8 – Blossoming Bush (III)
  • Level 9 – Blossoming Bush (IV)

As previously stated, Planted Flower Seeds and other drops are only available starting at Level five. Furthermore, as you improve the Bush, the chance of getting a better Planted Flower also increases.

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