How to easily best Ruby Weils record

As you make your way through the narrative in Hogwarts Legacy, you will eventually come across NPC quests and side missions that will provide you with additional loot and XP. A fair number of these challenges will not take much effort to complete. However, there are certain missions that are quite tough, and many fans

As you make your way through the narrative in Hogwarts Legacy, you will eventually come across NPC quests and side missions that will provide you with additional loot and XP.

A fair number of these challenges will not take much effort to complete. However, there are certain missions that are quite tough, and many fans of the Wizarding World are stuck on them.

One such NPC challenge is the Broom Race, where you will have to beat the fastest time record set by Ruby Weil, which stands at 01:32:08. There were many players who were a bit curious as to whether this broom race record can be broken in the game.

Fortunately, Ruby Weil’s record is something that you can best, but it will need a fair bit of mastery with the broom to accomplish it.

Therefore, today’s guide goes over some tips you can use when trying to beat Ruby’s 01:32:08 record in Hogwarts Legacy.

Tips to beat Ruby Weil’s Broom Race record in Hogwarts Legacy

When you unlock Broom Race in Hogwarts Legacy, you will come across the names of four races and their completion times. Ruby’s is number one, sitting at 01:32:08, which is what you need to beat to complete the challenge.

To have an easier time beating the score, here are a few things that you will need to do in the game.

1) Upgrade your broom to the max

The first thing that you need to do before attempting to beat the record will be to upgrade the capabilities of your broom to the max. By increasing both its speed and acceleration, you will reduce your completion time significantly.

To upgrade your broom, you will need to visit Albie in the Spintwitches Sporting Needs shop at Hogsmeade. As for the broom of choice, you can pick any that the game has to offer. However, the Ember Dash is considered by many to be the most stylish of the lot.

2) Do not miss a single Yellow bubble

In Hogwarts Legacy’s broom races, the Yellow Bubbles act as speed boosts. Hence, it’s important that you try and hit all of them as you make your way through the course. To be able to best Ruby’s score, you will likely have to hit each of the bubbles, which is easier said than done.

It’s pretty easy to miss them, so you might need to take part in the race several times before you learn the race track by heart. Time your dash through the bubbles correctly.

3) Do not miss a single ring

Rings will help you maintain proper time as you try to beat Ruby’s score. However, if you miss going through a ring, you will get a three-second penalty, which is not something that you will be able to afford if you are looking to have the best time in the race.

Beating Ruby’s score on the broom is one of the hardest challenges in Hogwarts Legacy. It will require a fair bit of practice on your end to master it and have the best time in the mini-game.

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