How to claim limited-edition Player Cards, Titles, and Gun Buddies

June is here, and Valorant is all set to celebrate Pride Month. Riot Games has shown its support for the LGBTQ+ community by releasing a collection of limited-edition Player Cards, Titles, and Gun Buddies. In 2022, these rewards did not automatically get added to players' accounts. They had to be acquired manually within the game.

June is here, and Valorant is all set to celebrate Pride Month. Riot Games has shown its support for the LGBTQ+ community by releasing a collection of limited-edition Player Cards, Titles, and Gun Buddies. In 2022, these rewards did not automatically get added to players' accounts. They had to be acquired manually within the game. However, the claiming process was relatively easy.

This article explains how you can acquire these limited-edition exclusive items and celebrate Pride Month in style.

Steps to claim Valorant Pride Month 2023 items

Follow these steps to claim all the items in Valorant Pride Month 2023:

1. Launch Valorant:

  • Open Valorant on your computer.

2. Access the In-Game Store:

  • Once you're logged into Valorant, navigate to the in-game store.

3. Explore the Pride Collection:

  • Look for the section dedicated to the Pride Collection. It will be featured prominently on the store page.

4. Select Your Pride Bundle Items:

  • Browse through the available Pride bundles and choose the items that appeal to you the most.
  • Take your time to explore the different designs and themes to find the items you like or get the entire bundle.

5. Click on the items of choice:

  • Click on the selected item to view its details.
  • This will provide you with a closer look at the included Player Cards, Titles, and Gun Buddies.

6. Add the Bundle to Your Cart:

  • Look for the price of the Pride bundle, which should be listed as zero credits during Pride Month.
  • Click on the price to add the bundle to your cart.

7. Complete the Checkout Process:

  • Proceed to the checkout process by following the on-screen instructions.

8. Confirm the Acquisition:

  • Once you've successfully completed the checkout process, a confirmation message will appear, indicating that the Pride bundle has been added to your profile.

9. Customize Your Profile:

  • Exit the store and navigate to your profile page within the game.
  • Explore the customization options to equip the acquired Pride Player Cards, Titles, and Gun Buddies.

10. Showcase Your Pride:

  • Once equipped, your Pride Player Cards, Titles, and Gun Buddies will be displayed in various areas, such as your player profile and loading screens during matches.

It's important to note that the Pride Bundle is available for free. It will be available until June 27, 2023. You are recommended to claim it as soon as possible to ensure you don't miss out on the limited-time offer.

Remember, it's essential to check announcements made by Riot Games regarding Pride Month events and rewards in Valorant. Keep an eye on official communication channels, as additional challenges or limited-time opportunities may arise throughout the month. These opportunities will allow you to claim even more exclusive items and demonstrate your support for the LGBTQ+ community in Riot Games' tactical shooter.

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