Cast list and characters explored

LMN's new thriller drama, Don't Sell My Baby, is all set to premiere on the channel on Thursday, May 4, 2023. The movie tells the story of a high school girl, Nicolette, who gets pregnant. She's mentored by a kind teacher named Sandy.

LMN's new thriller drama, Don't Sell My Baby, is all set to premiere on the channel on Thursday, May 4, 2023. The movie tells the story of a high school girl, Nicolette, who gets pregnant. She's mentored by a kind teacher named Sandy.

The teacher knows about her pregnancy and tries to help her in whatever way she can, but she starts panicking when she finds out that Nicolette has disappeared. Here's the official synopsis of the film, as per LMN:

''High school senior, Nicolette, has bounced around from foster home to home. When she finds herself pregnant by the school quarterback, she quickly falls into despair until her sympathetic teacher, Sandy, takes Nicolette under her wing. But, when Nicolette disappears after deciding against the idea of putting her baby up for adoption, Sandy begins to worry that the soon-to-be teen mom may have been taken against her will.''

Devin Valentina Cecchetto plays the lead role in the film, while several other actors also appear as significant supporting players. Roxanne Boisvert, working from a screenplay by Michael Perronne, is in charge of directing it.

LMN's Don't Sell My Baby cast list: Devin Valentina Cecchetto and others to star in new thriller film

1) Devin Valentina Cecchetto as Nicolette

Devin Valentina Cecchetto stars in the lead role as Nicolette in LMN's Don't Sell My Baby. The tale revolves around Nicolette's plight, who appears to be the movie's protagonist. It will be intriguing to observe how her persona is developed.

Devin Valentina Cecchetto has previously appeared in several movies and shows over the years, like The Parker Andersons, Bad Influence, and Marry F*** Kill, to name a few.

2) Fallon Bowman as Sandy

Fallon Bowman portrays Sandy's character in the new LMN thriller movie. She's a teacher who deeply cares about Nicollette, and their bond forms the emotional core of the story.

Bowman looks impressive as Sandy, portraying her character's kind and lovely nature to perfection in the film's trailer. Viewers can expect her to deliver a memorable performance in the movie. Her other memorable film and TV acting credits include Mommy's Little Star, Hidden Family Secrets, and Titans, among many more.

3) Maia Jae Bastidas as Brooke

Young Maia Jae Bastidas essays the character of Brooke in Don't Sell My Baby. Apart from that, more details about her character are currently being kept under tight wraps, but viewers can expect her to play a key role in the story.

She's previously starred in Rabbit Hole, Mayor of Kingstown, and Creeped Out. Apart from the aforementioned actors, the new thriller flick also features several others playing significant supporting roles:

  • Gabriel Davenport as Trent
  • Frank Fiola as Mark
  • Suzanna Lenir as Madeline
  • Kyle Meagher as Jake
  • Christian Paul as Detective Holmes

The trailer for Don't Sell My Baby offers a peek into protagonist Nicollette's chaotic and tragic life without giving away too many crucial plot details. Viewers can expect a powerful, character-driven drama about a tragic teenage girl.

Don't forget to catch Don't Sell My Baby on LMN on Thursday, May 4, 2023, at 8 pm ET.

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