Breaking Dawn Part 2 teaser: truly intriguing or too dumb for words?

Last Friday when my daughter and I headed to the theater to watch The Hunger Games, she secured the essential top-row seats while I stood in the very long line for popcorn. Once in the theater, she informed me that Id missed the new teaser trailer for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

Last Friday when my daughter and I headed to the theater to watch The Hunger Games, she secured the essential top-row seats while I stood in the very long line for popcorn. Once in the theater, she informed me that I’d missed the new teaser trailer for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 but that it was no big deal because she was “so over it already.” At first, I was a bit shocked by this statement since she’s firmly Team Edward and even has a cardboard cutout of His Sparkliness in her bedroom. Now I know what she’s talking about because this teaser trailer is really lame. Here it is, and we’ll discuss afterwards:

Okay, so CB and I both think the part where Bella is stalking that poor little deer is pretty damn funny, but I can’t grasp whether or not Summit Entertainment intends this to be funny or if they’re actually trying to make this movie seem scary. After all, the promotional strategy of Breaking Dawn – Part I was much sharper than the movie itself — and it was the trailer’s blatant hilarity of a busted headboard and Jacob ripping off his shirt and wolfing out that led to a $138 million opening weekend. In contrast, this teaser features more “romantic” glimpses of Bella’s wedding/engagement ring, Edward making another one of his silly “romantic” statements, and Taylor Lautner nipping out as Jacob. Maybe the next trailer will have more campiness to offer since this one fails miserably, but if you’ve read the books, you know as well as I do that nothing of great consequence will happen in this installment unless Summit starts adding sh-t to the story.

Although I do remain vaguely mused with the part where Bambi’s about to get it. Not that this will necessarily pull people into the theater.

Screenshots from YouTube

