A video of a racist couple from Bossier City casino in Louisana, showcasing racist behavior, was shared online where they were seen verbally and physically assaulting a Black man. @TizzyEnt posted the recorded clip and posted it on X on Tuesday, August 15. Tizzy asked viewers in the caption to identify the couple.
The Black man from the video is reportedly a military veteran, according to Tizzy. He said that the man sat down at a slot machine and the white woman got upset with a Black man sitting near her. She also referred to him as an Arab during the argument.
Throughout the video, the white woman, who was also drunk, kept throwing insults at the Black man and even physically charged at him more than once.
While it looked like her partner tried to de-escalate the situation at first, he also joined in and used a racial slur on the Black man.
What happened after that was not immediately known in @TizzyEnt's video. But netizens were quite stunned to see such drunken and vulgar behavior being entertained at a casino as some said that the casino should have better security.
One user wrote in the comments that a drunken person's words are their sober thoughts.
What transpired at the Bossier City casino?
The video starts with the woman repeatedly challenging the Black man to record her, who was holding the camera to capture the incident. The woman was being held back while a staff member at the casino tried to calm her down politely.
She looked evidently inebriated as her steps were wobbly and her speech was slurred. The woman then went on to use expletives and swung a kick at the man, rudely asking him where he was from.
The man who was accompanying the woman, held her back after she violently threw her hands at the camera and hurled another expletive at him.
While the white man urged the woman, whom he addressed as “Ashley” to stop, the Black man said that he would be pressing charges. He also inquired if the security was going to intervene.
Tizzy paused the video at this point and said that until that stage of the video, the white man did not do anything other than try to hold the woman back and calm her down.
So, Tizzy said that he started to feel bad for him, but just the next second after resuming the video, the white man was heard calling the other man a racial slur.
The man turned around and told the Black man:
“Stop being a little b*tch ya f**king n*gg*r”.When the Black man asked the other man what he just called him, the latter told him that he heard right. After that, a casino employee came over and asked the Black man to stop recording, but he refused and told them about what the white guy called him. The white man called him an “Arabian” and tried swinging another kick at him.
Tizzy said at the end of the video that even when someone assaults another person while they're drunk, they get charged with assault.
However, he pointed out that the white man who uttered the racial slur was very much sober and yet he chose to use the n-word.
@TizzyEnt asked his viewers who live in Bossier City or around the place to find out who the white couple is, as they might be from Bossier City and might also be visiting.
Netizens react to the viral Bossier City casino video
The white couple was vehemently criticized by people in the comments. Some wondered why the casino security did not intervene sooner to help the Black man.
Couple from the Bossier City casino was arrested
YouTuber Joseph Morris posted a video on the Bossier City casino incident on his channel on August 13 and provided some additional details about it. Joseph said that the “Public freakout” took place at Margaritaville Resort Casino.
An update was added, where it was stated that the white couple was arrested on August 3 by local authorities because of how they behaved at the casino.
Joseph included the screenshot of a Facebook post by the Black man, who goes by the name Devon Leslie Jr. Devon first posted about the incident along with the video on August 6.
He wrote that he contemplated posting the clip, but then he decided that everyone should know about the couple.
Devon accused the white woman of hitting him in the face and kicking him in the back just because he sat too close to her and her partner. He shared about their arrest on August 3 on charges of assault.
The white man was also arrested for being too drunk. Devon thanked the casino and the Bossier City Police for standing up for him.
Devon Leslie Jr. made another post on August 14 where he disclosed the name of the white woman as Ashley Bieber Dison.
He said he did not know the name of the man who was with her at the Bossier City casino, but he hoped that anyone who might have information about their workplace should let their employers know about their behaviors.
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