Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the latest entry in the long-running first-person-shooter video game series. The video game continues the story from Modern Warfare 2019 and is one of the biggest titles in the franchise's history.
While the full game launches on October 28, the Early Access campaign is now available to play. However, players who have pre-ordered the title can already jump in to complete the story before the multiplayer launches, and get some fancy rewards.
The developers have optimized Modern Warfare 2 pretty well. The game runs fine on Nvidia's 1440p champion from 2020, the RTX 3070. The game's campaign mode was tested widely using an Inno3D iChill X4 variant of the GPU.
How to get unrivaled Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 experience on RTX 3070
The RTX 3070 is built for 1440p gaming. The card, thus, can deliver a solid experience at up to QHD resolutions. In our testing, we found the GPU deliver over 70 FPS at 1440p while using the Extreme preset with DLSS turned off.
Turning on DLSS adds a few more frames to the game and pushes the count to almost 90 FPS. While switching down to Ultra, there was not a huge framerate gain, and the game did not look noticeably worse either. Thus, players who are okay with a 70-ish FPS can play the game at the Extreme preset.
However, fans who want around 120 FPS on average must drop the settings to Ultra and set DLSS to Balanced. This will easily push the game north of 110 FPS.
The main problem at 4K is the amount of VRAM the RTX 3070 packs. If Nvidia had paired the card with at least two to four gigabytes more memory, 4K gaming performance would have been much better.
Best settings in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Display Mode: Fullscreen Exclusive
Display Monitor: Primary monitor
Screen Refresh Rate: Auto
Display Resolution: 2560 x 1440
Dynamic Resolution:
Aspect Ratio: Automatic
V-Sync (Gameplay): Off
V-Sync (Menus): Off
Custom Frame Rate Limit: Custom
Display Gamma: 2.2 (sRGB)
Constrain mouse to game window: Off
Focused mode: Off
Quality Presets: Custom
Render Resolution: 100
Upscaling / Sharpening: Off
Anti-Aliasing: Filmic SMAA T2X
Anti-Aliasing Quality: High
Video Memory Scale: 90
Texture Resolution: High
Texture Filter Anisotropic: High
Nearby Level of Detail: High
Distant Level of Detail: Normal
Clutter Draw Distance: Short
Particle Quality: High
Particle Quality Level: High
Bullet Impacts & Sprays: On
Shader Quality: Medium
Tesselation: Near
Terrain Memory: Max
On-Demand Texture Streaming: Off
Streaming Quality: Low
Volumetric Quality: Low
Deferred Physics Quality: Low
Water Caustics: On
Shadow Map Resolution: Normal
Screen Space Shadows: Low
Spot Shadow Quality: Low
Cache Spot Shadows: On
Spot Cache: High
Cache Sun Shadows: On
Particle Lighting: Normal
Ambient Occlusion: Off
Screen Space Reflections: Normal
Weather Grid Volumes: On
Nvidia Reflex Low Latency: On
Depth of field: Off
World motion blur: Off
Weapon motion blur: Off
Film grain: 0.00
Field of View: 110
ADS Field of View: Affected
Weapon Field of View: Default
Vehicle Field of View: Default
1st person camera movement: Least (50%)
3rd person camera movement: Least (50%)
Overall, the performance of Modern Warfare 2 on the RTX 3070 is quite good. However, it is worth noting that the game is riddled with some micro stutters here and there. The 1% and 0.1% low figures in the title went down to 31 and 11 FPS, respectively.
However, players should consider that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is yet to get a Day 1 patch, which should fix most of the issues.
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